Fact Sheet Fusion v2.0.5.118 Update

Fact Sheet FusionFact Sheet Fusion News

A new update to Fact Sheet Fusion (v2.0.5.118) is now available (free to existing v2 licence holders).

This latest update adds a number of new features including:

A new Projects Batch Export. This useful new feature allows multiple selected projects to be exported without opening each individually and performing the export.

The Content Importer (HTML & MS Word) has been further enhanced. It now has an extended save function which saves files associated for import (Html/Word) that have been mapped against Entities. A save shortcut key has also been added (Ctrl + s). A small bug within the Content Importer has also been corrected where a rule wasn’t updated when previewing a rule, if focus hadn’t been moved.

Bug fixes include:

  • An uncaught null media caption exception.
  • Corrected the remaining export calculations when entities were marked as excluded from the export process.
  • The entities and topics import dialog now trims any tab characters from import items that may be present.

Help has been updated to reflect the new features and changes. The update can be downloaded via the Help..Update feature within Fact Sheet Fusion. Or if your network security blocks update notifications it can be directly downloaded via www.lucidcentral.org

File Size: 142MB.

To purchase Fact Sheet Fusion click here.

For more information about older changes please see the Fact Sheet Fusion Announcement Forum.

If you have any questions or require support please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us via our Help Desk.